Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cabin in the Woods

In my opinion, this movie is very unique. The previews make this movie seem like you typical horror movie with young adults being eaten by zombies. This may be true, but what we didn't see was that all of this is being controlled. This was what was very unappealing to me was that yes in a way, these kids chose their fate, by the stuff they messed with in the cellar, but the people behind everything controlled it all just to keep the world going. When the people behind all of this is saying that these young adults are being punished for being young, really pissed me off because who are they to decide that these people had to sacrifice their lives? Who are they to decide that the world keeps going? I very much enjoyed the end, because the people who were supposed to sacrifice their lives, got their revenge and took matters into their own hands. They had decided that the world was going to end and that it was time that the world was going to change. People may not think that this movie has any religion behind it, but the fact that the people in the control room, making the young adults die for the sake of humanity seems as if the role of "God" is being played.In my opinion, the sake of ending a few lives so the rest of the world can live, is not very ethical to me, especially the big celebration that the people have in the control room when they think that have succeeded.

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